MET-Rx Big 100 G

Regular price 18.95 SR
Regular price 18.95 SR

MET-Rx Big 100
Met RX Big is a complete nutritional meal bar, specially designed for strength athletes and bodybuilders. This bar is a rich source of protein, making it ideal for building muscle and repairing tissue after a workout.

Product Specifications:

  • Main Ingredients: Whey Protein, Casein Protein, Complex Carbohydrates, Healthy Fats, Vitamins and Minerals.

  • Nutritional value (per serving): 410 calories, 13 grams of fat, 45 grams of carbohydrates, 16 grams of sugar, and 30 grams of protein.

  • Sizes and Flavors: Available in a variety of sizes and flavors to suit different tastes and preferences.

Product Benefits:

  • Muscle building: It contains a high amount of protein necessary for building and repairing muscle tissue.

  • SUSTAINABLE ENERGY: Carbohydrates and healthy fats provide sustained energy that supports athletic performance.

  • Quick and easy meal: Perfect as a meal replacement or snack between main meals.

  • Recovery Support: Helps speed up the recovery process after exercise.

Suitable for who?

  • Strength athletes: who are looking for a quick and effective source of protein to build muscle.

  • Bodybuilders: Those who want to increase muscle mass and reduce fat.

  • Active People: Who need high energy meals to support their active lifestyle.

  • Those on a high-protein diet: As part of a healthy, balanced diet.